How much renewable power is produced in your country today?

In many European countries, the network operator publishes (near) real time information on the electricity production and the contribution of renewable energy .


In Germany, every day EEX publishes the expected power production of wind power , solar power and conventional power plants . Every hour, the actual production is updated (with a few hours delay) .

EEX Germany wind and solar example

Agora-Energiewende publishes comparable data including power production from biomass and hydropower.

Fraunhofer Germany solar and wind and demand and conventional example

Solar-pv inverter producer SMA has a nice website that shows an estimate of the real time solar power production in Germany.

real time solar PV Germany

Agora Energiewende publishes the composition of the conventional power production from the previous day by fuel (nuclear, hard coal, lignite, gas, etc. ) 

Fraunhofer Germany conventionals example

And last but not least: Fraunhofer has a website where all of this information can be accessed and turned into several excellent charts

fraunhofer website


The Danish operator of the national electricity (and gas) grid publishes real time data of the power production from wind energy, solar, cogeneration (heat&power) and conventional power plants in a nice animation. The data are available in raw form as well.

Energinet Denemarken example actuele stroomproductie

The software and consultancy company EMD uses the same data for their website where you can get an overview of the power production mix, power prices and import and export. thanks to @PaulNeau for the reference]

denmark February 2014


For the Scandinavian countries Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark and Estonia, real time data are published on the power production mix (click ‘table’ below the map) and the import and export of electricity.

Scandinavie 11102013

For a number of countries in the Scandinavian Nordpol region, a prognosis of the wind power production for the next day is published as well.

Nordpool windvoorspelling


National Belgium grid operator Elia publishes the prognosis and real time data on the  wind and solar power production. For wind energy separate data are available for onshore and offshore wind turbines.

Belgie 15-02-2014

Elia also publishes the expected power mix for the next day. I have the impression that this does not include solar power and only a part of the wind energy capacity.

belgie 5-5-2014

United Kingdom

In the UK, a wealth of data on power production is published on the dedicated BMRS website. The graphs on this page are rather slow and user unfriendly, but apparently the data can be imported to other websites. Several enthusiasts use these BMRS data for their own website on real time power production like Gridwatch en this beautiful one by Stephen Morley.

stephenmorley UK data


In Spain, the national grid operator REE publishes a lot of information on the real time power production on their website. The one I like best is the graph which shows how the power production mix changes throughout the day. REE publishes this in English as well as Spanish.

Spanje generation mix example


For France, grid operator RTE has a very nice tool on their website (in English..) showing the real time power production by source (nuclear, coal, gas, hydro, wind, solar, etc.). [thanks to @PaulNeau and ‘Snoop’ (below in the comments) for the reference]

France 10-03-2014

RTE also publishes the forecasted production for power from wind energy and from solar power

Gridwatch presents the RTE data in a dashboard. [Thanks to @RobVuurvlieg for the link]

gridwatch frankrijk


The Irish grid operator Eirgrid publishes the forecast day-ahead and actual production of wind energy.

ireland wind forecast and actual example

Eirgrid also publishes an overview of the power production by source.

ireland fuelmix example


Austrian grid operator APG publishes an overview of the actual power production by source (incl. wind, solar, biomass etc.).

Oostenrijk productiemix actueel example

APG also publishes a forecast of the wind and solar power production for the next day.

Oostenrijk forecast wind en zon example


The Bulgarian national grid operator publishes real time data on the power production mix in Bulgaria on their website. The text is in Bulgarian. I have not yet found the information on the English version of the website. [Thanks to Dimitar Mirchev for the link]

bulgarije 21-3-2014


The Romanian grid operator Transelectrica publishes real time data on the power production mix. The website also has a view where the production from all different sources is shown for any chosen period of time.

roemenie 21-3-2014 24 uur


Power production mix incuding contribution of renewable energy sources (data published with a 2-3 day delay) )

Portugal productiemix example


Wind and solar [it seems these data are only published in spreadsheets with long tables]


Power production mix  of the previous day.

california prod mix exampe


Real time power production mix for 6 states in Australia.

australia power mix

The Netherlands

For information on the Netherlands, see this blog (in Dutch).

Wind energy

Association Wind Europe has a tool on its website which gives an estimate of the wind power production the previous day for most European countries.

wind europe wind productie example.PNG

Production mix by country

This website has a nice map with an estimate of the actual CO2 emission per kWh electricity produced by country in Europe. The estimate is based on the production mix for each country.  The website uses data from ENTSO-E (unfortunately, ENTSO-E does not have reliable data for the Netherlands).

electricity map example.PNG

The website has an overview with websites with information on actual power production by country (ENTSO-E is the source used for most countries).

Do you know more real time data on renewable power production by country? Please let me know!

17 gedachten over “How much renewable power is produced in your country today?

  1. Pingback: Hoeveel duurzame energie wordt er vandaag geproduceerd in Duitsland, Denemarken, Groot-Brittannië, Spanje, Portugal, Italië, Ierland, Bulgarije, Roemenië en Nederland? | jaspervis

  2. Hi there,

    Entsoe-E went online with its new transparency plattform on 5th of january. You will find plenty of data there (including Netherlands 😉 )


  3. Oh , just saw ,, hou have that linked allready …

    I guess its time to link Europe better , with renewables …

  4. Great overview Jasper!

    I now there are several related initiatives going on in NL (some of them I am involved myself).

    For example the ‘Nationale Energie Atlas’ (first release planned for go-live 2016Q4).

    RWS is also collecting lot of interesting data, you might take a look at

    And there is some interesting info at and

    And you might also take a look on

    Hope this helps!

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